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Ingredients Cards


What are the ingredients that make for spending quality time with a person living with dementia, or indeed anyone? I have been pondering this question for the last few years, and have captured my learning so far in a model I use in training and workshops across the country. The INGREDIENTS model is a simple approach that considers the various of aspects of what might contribute to spending quality time someone, whether or not they are living with dementia.


Ingredients Cards are designed to help spark everyday creativity and encourage quality time with people living with dementia. The cards can be used by friends and family, as well as health and social care practitioners. The cards are often used to train nursing teams, befriending organisations, and chaplaincy services.


The cards can be used as an individual reflection tool, or conversation starters in groups. Each card explores a different aspect of what contributes to spending quality time together.


While these cards have been developed for people living with dementia, the ideas and suggestions can be used by anyone. The cards were illustrated by the lovely and talented Sarah Edmonds.


If you would like an INGREDIENTS workshop for your organisation - either in person or online - do get in touch.


The Ingredients Cards can be bought from the Dementia Pathfinders Marketplace, My Care Matters Trading or for 10 or more decks, drop me a line.



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