A story plus a honeycomb is a Storycomb, right? I think so.
Here are just a few of the hundreds of mini hexagons used in the Storycomb workshop I ran for the Westminster Arts’ Creative Befrienders (in June 2017), generously hosted by Created Out of Mind.
I shared with the group how I developed the idea, then followed this with an opportunity for people to create their own mini Storycomb, made of cut up magazines and catalogues.
“Moving the hexagons around and finding connections felt therapeutic and I can completely understand why the project was so successful. I can see that using the Storycomb idea is a great ‘way in’ to a conversation, as I imagine it would throw up some unexpected memories and conversations without adding any pressure. I like the idea of using a deck of 10 or so that have both pictures and words on them, and perhaps playing an association game with them. It’s definitely a good way to get to know someone.” (Ellie, workshop participant)